We identify ourselves with the motto: “Work, create, donate”, conceived and introduced by Michele Ferrero from the very beginning of his business pursuits. In essence we favour the “ethics of doing” over the “practice of appearing”.

This same philosophy has inspired, and still inspires:

  •  the Ferrero Foundation, devoted to maintaining the Group’s relations with its retirees through social and cultural programmes, as well as to strengthening ties with the local communities in which we operate;
  • the “Ferrero Social Enterprises”, based on investments and use of the deriving resources to improve the living conditions of the communities of developing countries, with particular attention to children;
  • the whole Ferrero Group constantly engaged in social responsibility activities, as an integral part of our own way of being and of operating, since the very beginning.
Our Company Principles are in accordance with the relevant Conventions of the United Nations (in particular with the “Global Compact” and “Rights of the Child Conventions”), including the relevant Conventions of the International Labour and World Health Organisations.

These Company Principles are the basis of our Ethical Code.